Success 2.0

Good evening great minds, how has your day been? As promised,  let's start the series... Let me call it:
                 Success 2.0

Success is brought about by a combination of smart habits, a tenacious spirit, and a whole lot of luck. Making a few conscious changes to your behavior and attitude could prove to be quite rewarding.

Now I will explain success 2.0 under the following  sub headings.  Pls,  feel free to ask me questions after each series either here or you can private chat me.

A) Some of the Wrong Mentalities we have is quitting and procrastination. Someone define fear as face everything and run or face everthing and rise.  The choice is yours.  One thing I know is quiter don't win and winner will never quit.  The attitude of a winner is success no matter what life throws at  them. The question is are you going to be a winner or a quitter?

Explaining procrastination:Avoiding the unpleasant parts of work doesn’t make them go away.  Procrastination can be liken to eating bitter leave and apple. You tend to eat apple first because it is sweet then eating bitter leave now become a problem.  Attempt what you think is hard first, don't postpone because success is just at the end of every bitter experience and smart plus hard work. Break the seemingly unmanageable into manageable chunks, then sprinkle those less-enjoyable aspects of a task into that other stuff that you really like. Building up a huge hunk of the bad stuff to deal with all at once, after you've completed the enjoyable stuff, is just going to leave a sour taste in your mouth at the end of a project.

B) Avoid Negativity
There is a saying that,  a road to success is dotted with many parking spaces. You need to understand that the road to success will not be unending, continual joy. There will be difficulties, setbacks, and moments where you question your commitment. These will occur whether you’re on the right path or the wrong path, so understand that while it might be hard sometimes, you’ll need to make an effort to re-establish and embrace that positivity you felt at the outset of your endeavor. Positive mental attitude (PMA) is crucial for entrepreneurs which you are. Yes,  I said it,  you are not just ordinary people,  or staff as they call you, you are potential business owners.

C) Don’t define yourself by others’ success. Someone win cars, yes,  every company is celebrating someone yes, yes keep climbing ladder yes,  some keep getting salary increase and promotion etc... yet we are doing the same business,  hmmmm!  You may be right but don't feel bad, timing, your time is just right here. Remember  You’ll lose sight of your own goals and merits, and it can promote feelings of bitterness, jealousy, and inferiority. Competition is healthy, but focusing too much on others can lead you to internalize unhealthy attitudes. Along these same lines: praise your co-workers! When your colleagues, peers, or subordinates knock it out of the park, let them know. People and teams flourish this way.

D) Embrace failure
Failure always illuminates a truth about the methods you used, or the particular goals you pursued; interpret failure not as a badge of shame, but as a call for self-reflection. Sometimes it’s only through facing the insurmountable, failing, and then struggling to pull ourselves back together that we develop the tenacity we’ll need to succeed.
Permit me to quote Henry Ford, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”
Failure isn’t always indicative of having the wrong idea. Sometimes it’s simply the right idea, pursued ineffectively. Don’t scrap everything you’ve been trying all at once and or totally restructure. Let it be gradual...  The series continue...
Hey!  I am Toba Peters,  I just want to see you succeed!


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